A Simple Practice to Navigate Chaos and Cultivate Glimmers of Calm

In the whirlwind of life, finding moments of peace often feels like chasing mirages at times.

But what if I told you that within the chaos, there are subtle, easily overlooked moments that can transform your mood and regulate your nervous system?

These are the “glimmers” — micro-moments of ventral vagal experience (in the language of Polyvagal Theory, the science of befriending one’s nervous system) where the ventral vagal state is where our nervous systems feel safe and secure.

In this post, I am inviting you to explore the art of finding glimmers and how a simple daily practice can lead you to a more regulated and resilient state, especially during the chaotic holiday season.

Unveiling the Negativity Bias:

Did you notice how much our brains are wired to spotlight negativity? We are made this way for a good reason - this special “setting” helped our species to survive but unfortunately, it makes it easy to miss the positive glimmers that coexist with moments of chaos.

Recognizing this bias is the first step toward rewiring your perception and embracing the transformative power of ventral vagal moments.

The second step is to train your attention to find and savor the moments of regulating energy. This is how you do it!

The Glimmer Practice - Steps to Cultivate Calm:

Step 1: Set an Intention:

  • Start small by setting a daily goal for the number of glimmers you want to notice.

  • If glimmers are unfamiliar, aim to spot just one each day, gradually increasing the count as you become more attuned.

Step 2: Tune into Ventral Vagal Energy = the energy when you feel regulated and grounded, and safe.

  1. Train yourself to recognize the subtle sparks of feeling safe, secure, and relaxed.

  2. Actively seek glimmers in your daily activities, acknowledging their presence amidst the noise of everyday life.

Step 3: See, Stop, Appreciate:

  • Develop a personalized cue to recognize and appreciate glimmers in real-time.

  • It could be as simple as uttering "glimmer" or a small, mindful gesture like placing your hand on your heart.

Glimmers, Meditation for Downloading:)

Step 4: Track Your Glimmers:

  • Maintain a daily glimmers notebook or a running list to celebrate your moments of calm.

  • Reflect on your entries to identify patterns and understand where and how glimmers routinely appear.

Step 5: Find Consistency:

  • Explore specific places, people, or times where glimmers tend to manifest.

  • Understanding the patterns allows you to intentionally create environments that foster ventral vagal experiences.

Step 6: Share the Light:

  • Extend the practice by sharing your glimmers with others.

  • Text them to a friend, make it a family ritual, or discuss your weekly glimmers with a therapist, fostering connection and shared moments of calm.

Did you like this blog post? Share it with someone who can use a glimmer today! Empower them to learn to be resilient and strong!


Befriend Your Nervous System, part 1.


Elevating Mood through Self-Hypnosis